Ghitha Holding: Fostering Innovation and Sustainability in the UAE for Future Growth

Fostering Innovation and Sustainability in the UAE for Future Growth

The United Arab Emirates government has made its determination clear when it comes to ensuring food security for the Middle East.

Aiming to achieve zero hunger in the region, the government’s National Strategy for Food Security aims to make the UAE the world’s best in the Global Food Security Index by 2051. It also aims to develop a comprehensive national system based on enabling sustainable food production by using modern technologies and enhancing local production.

Amongst its goals, the strategy aims to develop international partnerships to diversify food sources; activate legislation and policies that contribute to improving nutrition, as well as initiate legislation and policies to reduce waste.

The strategy specifically aims to implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems.

Supporting the country’s plans for food security is Ghitha Holding Company (Ghitha Holding), which represents the largest integrated food manufacturing and distribution company in United Arab Emirates. With a portfolio of more than 60 subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, its brands operate in six business segments including dairy, protein, fresh juice, fresh fruits and vegetables, manufacturing, trading and distribution, agriculture and investments.

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